the taxi

March 11, 2008


Two bicycles, three people, a quarter past midnight, a twenty minute walk home. The Chef gallantly offered his bike as a two-wheeled taxi. Lit-up bridges and skinny canal houses whizzed past, the towers of the Noorderkerk and the Westerkerk loomed overhead. Some of the bow bridges proved to be too steep for two on a bike post-dinner, requiring a hop off the bike, a little trot up to the crest, and speedy reboarding to freewheel down. A couple of close encounters with rare cars on the Brewers’ Canal. Safely home, a vertigonous climb upstairs to the apartment with the view. The fare: a bunch of daffodils. Spring has sprung.

russell peters

March 11, 2008

I first caught Russell Peters and his fabulous accent talents on Jay Leno’s show while in LA. It took a while but I finally got round to looking him up on YouTube. The clips below made me laugh so much I cried!

How to say hello in Indian

The ‘Um’ word in Chinese… this one requires some knowledge of Mandarin but if you have that I guarantee you’ll never hear it the same way again!